This : "One can see here that “communication” is closely tied with the notions of “community” and “communion”—and where there is a need to convey feeling and personal judgment, the use of LLMs feels like a transgression of an unspoken communicative contract."
Great post Katie. The mere fact that we have to re-clarify what communication me…
This : "One can see here that “communication” is closely tied with the notions of “community” and “communion”—and where there is a need to convey feeling and personal judgment, the use of LLMs feels like a transgression of an unspoken communicative contract."
Great post Katie. The mere fact that we have to re-clarify what communication means, what writing means, what creativity and connection are, vs how this software works, speaks volumes about the stubborn insistence of humanity not to progress...
This : "One can see here that “communication” is closely tied with the notions of “community” and “communion”—and where there is a need to convey feeling and personal judgment, the use of LLMs feels like a transgression of an unspoken communicative contract."
Great post Katie. The mere fact that we have to re-clarify what communication means, what writing means, what creativity and connection are, vs how this software works, speaks volumes about the stubborn insistence of humanity not to progress...
p.s. I just love the title of your Substack. Brilliant!
Many thanks!